Top 10 Pickleball Mistakes I Have Ever Noticed in Beginners

As a beginner, it’s common to make Pickleball Mistakes while learning the game of pickleball. In this article, we will explore the top 10 common mistakes beginners make in pickleball and provide tips to avoid and overcome them.

Remember, making mistakes is part of the learning process, so let’s embrace them and enhance our pickleball skills.

Pickleball tips for beginners are essential to give a tough time competitors.

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Understanding Pickleball Basics:

 Pickleball Mistakes

Before we dive into the common mistakes, let’s quickly review the basics of pickleball. Pickleball is played on a smaller court, similar to a tennis court.

It requires a paddle and a plastic ball with holes. The objective is to hit the ball over the net and into the opponent’s court without letting it bounce twice.

Top 10 Pickleball Mistakes

I explained my personal experience with pickleball mistakes for beginners.

Mistake 1: Scooting Forward After Serving:

One prevalent Pickleball Mistake among beginners is scooting forward after serving. Avoid shifting too close to the net immediately after serving, leaving you vulnerable to deep returns from skilled opponents.

Instead, maintain your position and be prepared for the return. Refrain from excessive scooting and stay prepared for the next shot.

Mistake 2: Becoming Overly Preoccupied with Spin:

Beginners often become too focused on spin shots. While spin plays a role in advanced pickleball, it’s important to prioritize proper technique and consistency over fancy spin shots.

Avoid attempting intricate spins prematurely and focus on developing a reliable rally game. Simplicity and consistency should be your primary focus as a beginner.

Mistake 3: Prematurely Smashing Low Balls:

Impatience can lead beginners to smash lowballs during a drinking exchange prematurely. Instead, exercise restraint and “live to drink another day.”

Let the ball bounce and respond with a soft, controlled shot. When smashing, adjust your wrist position to push the paddle upward rather than straight down to avoid hitting the net.

Mistake 4: Kitchen Faults:

Understanding and avoiding kitchen faults can be challenging for beginners. Remember, you cannot be in the kitchen before, during, or after volleying the ball.

Focus on maintaining a balanced stance by utilizing your glutes and squatting instead of leaning over. Squatting helps establish a solid foundation and improves overall balance.

Mistake 5: Holding the Paddle Incorrectly:

One common Pickleball Mistakes beginners make is holding the paddle incorrectly. The proper grip involves placing your dominant hand on the paddle handle with a loose, relaxed grip.

The non-dominant hand should support the paddle from underneath. Avoid gripping the paddle too tightly, as it restricts your wrist movement and reduces control.

Mistake 6: Gripping the Paddle Too Tight:

A tight grip on the paddle is another mistake to avoid. It causes tension in your arm and restricts your ability to maneuver the paddle smoothly. Aim for a relaxed grip, allowing for better wrist action and improved shooting finesse.

Mistake 7: Standing Too Close to the Net:

Beginners often find themselves standing too close to the net, which limits their ability to reach shots and react quickly. Maintaining the proper position on the court is crucial.

Stay a few feet behind the non-volley zone (NVZ), the kitchen, to give yourself enough room to react to shots.

Mistake 8: Failing to Reach the Kitchen Promptly:

One of the most frequent Pickleball Mistakes among beginners is their hesitation to move to the kitchen promptly. I understand that it might feel unfamiliar and peculiar, especially for those with a tennis background.

However, developing the habit of quickly advancing to the kitchen is crucial in pickleball.

Mistake 9: Inconsistent Soft Game:

Pickleball Mistakes that beginners often make are inconsistent in their soft game. The soft game involves delicate shots close to the net. It requires finesse and control rather than power.

To improve your soft game, focus on maintaining a gentle touch, precise placement, and keeping the ball low over the net. Developing a reliable soft game will greatly enhance your overall performance on the court.

Mistake 10: Lack of Communication and Teamwork:

Lastly, an important aspect of pickleball is communication and teamwork, especially in doubles play. Beginners often overlook the significance of effective communication with their partners, leading to confusion and missed opportunities.

Remember that clear and concise communication can greatly enhance your gameplay and ensure better coordination with your partner. Remember to discuss strategies, call shots, and support each other on the court.

FAQS( Pickleball Mistakes):

Q: What are things you cannot do in pickleball?

A: You cannot volley the ball before the non-volley zone, allow the ball to bounce twice, step into the non-volley zone and hit the ball, touch the net or opponent’s side of the court, or hit the ball out of bounds.

Q: How do you get good at pickleball fast?

A: Practice regularly, take lessons, watch professional matches, play with skilled players, work on footwork, and join local pickleball groups.

Q: What is proper pickleball etiquette?

A: Respect the non-volley zone, avoid distractions, communicate politely, retrieve balls promptly, give way to neighboring players, avoid crossing into other courts, and shake hands with opponents after the game.

Q: How do you hit a pickleball for beginners?

A: Position yourself with feet shoulder-width apart, grip the paddle comfortably, keep your eye on the ball, make contact in front of your leading foot, use a controlled swing with a square paddle face, follow through with the swing, and practice timing and positioning for consistency.


In conclusion, as a beginner in pickleball, it’s natural to make Pickleball Mistakes. However, recognizing and rectifying these common errors will greatly improve your gameplay and overall enjoyment of the sport.

By avoiding scooting up after serving, refraining from getting too fancy with spin, being patient with low balls, understanding kitchen faults, refining your serving technique, utilizing the forehand for centerline shots, letting balls go out, promptly reaching the kitchen, improving your soft game, and emphasizing communication and teamwork, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a more skilled pickleball player.

Embrace these lessons, practice diligently, and remember that mistakes are opportunities for growth and learning on your pickleball journey. Happy playing!