How To Stretch Plastic Shoes? In 5 Minutes

Plastic shoes are known for their durability and water resistance, making them a popular choice. However, the downside to plastic shoes is that they are not as flexible as other materials, making them uncomfortable to wear for long periods.

Fortunately, there are ways to stretch plastic shoes to make them more comfortable and better fitting. In this article, we will explore some practical methods for trying plastic shoes, so you can enjoy the benefits of this material without sacrificing comfort.

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How To Stretch Plastic Shoes? Top 5 methods step by step

here are the top 5 methods for stretching plastic shoes, along with the step-by-step instructions:

Wear Them with Socks:

Wear Them with Socks The most straightforward method for stretching plastic shoes is wearing them with thick socks. The socks will add cushioning and stretch the shoes out as you wear them. Here are the steps:

  • Put on a thick pair of socks.
  • Put on plastic shoes and walk around for about 20-30 minutes.
  • Take off the shoes and socks, and repeat the process until the shoes have stretched to your liking.

Heat and Ice Method

Heat and Ice Method This method involves using heat and ice to expand and contract the plastic material of the shoes, which can help to stretch them out. Here’s how to do it:

  • Fill two plastic bags with water and place them inside the boots.
  • Put the shoes in the freezer and leave them overnight.
  • The next day, remove the shoes from the freezer and remove the plastic bags.
  • Use a hairdryer to heat the areas of the shoes that need stretching until they become pliable.
  • Put the shoes on and wear them until they cool down and mold to your feet.

Alcohol Method

Rubbing alcohol can help to soften and stretch plastic shoes. Here’s how to use it:

  • Mix equal parts of rubbing alcohol and water in a spray bottle.
  • Spray the inside of the shoes with the mixture until they are damp.
  • Put the shoes on and walk around in them for about 20-30 minutes.
  • Take off the shoes and repeat the process until the shoes have stretched to your liking.

Shoe Stretcher

A shoe stretcher is a handy tool that can help to stretch out plastic shoes without causing any damage to the material. Here’s how to use it:

  • Insert the shoe stretcher into the shoes and adjust it to the desired width and length.
  • Turn the knob on the shoe stretcher to expand it and stretch the shoes.
  • Leave the stretcher in the shoes for a few hours or overnight.
  • Remove the stretcher and try on the shoes to see if they have stretched to your liking.

Blow Dryer Method

Using a blow dryer on your plastic shoes can help to soften the material and make it more pliable, which can make them easier to stretch. Here’s how to do it:

  • Put on a pair of thick socks.
  • Put on the plastic shoes and use a blow dryer on the areas that need stretching.
  • While you’re blow drying, wiggle your toes and move your feet around to help stretch the material.
  • Keep the blow dryer on until the shoes have stretched to your liking.
  • Take off the shoes and socks, and try on the shoes to see if they fit comfortably.

using wet newspapers

Stretching plastic shoes with wet newspaper is an effective and easy method that can help you achieve a comfortable fit. Here’s how you can do it step by step:

  1. Wet the newspaper: Start by wetting several sheets of newspaper in water. Make sure they are thoroughly soaked, but not dripping wet.
  2. Stuff the shoes: Stuff the wet newspaper into the shoes, making sure to fill them completely, including any tight spots.
  3. Let them dry: Allow the shoes to dry completely with the newspaper still inside. This may take up to 24 hours, depending on the level of moisture in the shoes.
  4. Remove the newspaper: Once the shoes are completely dry, remove the newspaper and try on the shoes. If they are still tight, repeat the process until you achieve a comfortable fit.
  5. Wear the shoes: Once you have achieved the desired fit, wear the shoes for a few hours to help them mold to the shape of your feet.

It’s important to note that this method may not work for all types of plastic shoes, and it’s always a good idea to test a small area first before attempting to stretch the entire shoe.


When stretching plastic shoes, it is important to take precautions to avoid damaging the material or injuring yourself. Here are some precautions to keep in mind:

  1. Test a small area first: Before attempting to stretch the entire shoe, test a small area to ensure that the material can handle the stretching process.
  2. Don’t overstretch: Be careful not to overstretch the shoes, as this can cause the material to become misshapen or even tear.
  3. Use stretching aids: Use stretching aids such as a stretching spray, a stretching device, or a shoe stretcher to help avoid damage to the shoe.
  4. Don’t force the stretching: If you feel resistance while stretching, do not force the shoe to stretch further. This can cause damage to the material.
  5. Be patient: Stretching plastic shoes can take some time, so be patient and allow the shoes to stretch gradually over time.

By following these precautions, you can ensure that your plastic shoes are safely stretched without causing any damage to the material.


Is it possible to stretch plastic shoes?

Yes, it is possible to stretch plastic shoes using various methods. However, the success of stretching plastic shoes depends on the type and quality of the plastic material

How can I make my tight shoes looser?

You can use one of the previously discussed methods. Use one of them and make tight shoes looser.


Stretching plastic shoes can be a bit challenging, but it is possible. One effective method is to use the hot water technique, which involves filling a plastic bag with warm water and placing it inside the shoe before freezing it overnight.

Alternatively, you can use a shoe stretcher or a hairdryer to soften the material before wearing the shoes with thick socks. It is important to be patient and gentle when stretching plastic shoes to avoid damaging them. With these techniques, you can comfortably wear your plastic shoes without any discomfort or pain.