How To Remove Acrylic Paint From Shoes? 5 Easy Steps

Acrylic paint is a popular choice for adding a pop of color or design to plain shoes. However, if you make a mistake or want to change the design, removing acrylic paint from shoes can be a bit tricky.

There are various methods for removing acrylic paint from shoes, but not all of them are effective or safe for the shoe material. In this tutorial, we will be exploring some effective and safe methods on how to remove acrylic paint from shoes without damaging the shoe.

Whether you’re a seasoned painter or just trying out a new DIY project, this guide will be a helpful resource for fixing mistakes and achieving the perfect design on your shoes.

Also Read:Best Running Shoes For Older Runners

Materials You Need:

  • Acetone or nail polish remover
  • Cotton balls or a soft cloth
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Warm water
  • Soap or dish detergent
  • Soft-bristled brush
  • Old toothbrush

My Two Quick Methods:

Method 1:

  1. Tape off the midsole of the shoe to protect it from getting paint on it.
  2. Apply nail polish remover to a cotton ball and rub it onto the surface of the shoe to remove the existing paint. Use a loom hook or X-acto knife to scrape off any stubborn bits of paint.
  3. Use a Q-tip to reach any harder-to-reach areas and make sure all the paint is removed.

Method 2:

  1. Tape off the midsole of the shoe.
  2. Apply Goo Gone spray to the upper of the shoe, making sure to spread it around evenly with a Q-tip.
  3. Wait five minutes for the spray to dry, then use a loom hook or X-acto knife to scrape off any excess paint.

And that’s it! With these two methods, you can easily repaint your shoes and give them a fresh new look. If you try this tutorial, let me know how it goes in the comments below. And if you want to see more tutorials like this, be sure to let me know!

Different Methods of How to remove acrylic paint from shoes:

Method 1: Using Acetone or Nail Polish Remover(how to remove paint from shoes with acetone)

Step 1: Apply acetone or nail polish remover to the affected area

Acetone or nail polish remover is a powerful solvent that can break down acrylic paint quickly. To use this method, apply a small amount of acetone or nail polish remover to a cotton ball or soft cloth.

Step 2: Gently rub the affected area

Use the cotton ball or cloth to gently rub the affected area in a circular motion. Be careful not to apply too much pressure as this can damage the shoe material. Continue rubbing until the paint starts to lift.

Step 3: Repeat as necessary

If there is still some paint remaining, repeat steps one and two until all the paint is removed.

Step 4: Clean the shoe

Once all the paint is removed, clean the shoe with warm water and soap or dish detergent to remove any residue left by the acetone or nail polish remover.

Method 2: Using Rubbing Alcohol

Step 1: Apply rubbing alcohol to the affected area

Rubbing alcohol is another effective solvent that can break down acrylic paint. Apply a small amount of rubbing alcohol to a cotton ball or soft cloth.

Step 2: Rub the affected area

Use the cotton ball or cloth to gently rub the affected area in a circular motion. Be sure to work from the outside of the paint stain towards the center to prevent spreading the paint.

Step 3: Repeat as necessary

If there is still some paint remaining, repeat steps one and two until all the paint is removed.

Step 4: Clean the shoe

Once all the paint is removed, clean the shoe with warm water and soap or dish detergent to remove any residue left by the rubbing alcohol.

Method 3: Using Warm Water and Soap

Step 1: Soak the shoe in warm water

Soaking the shoe in warm water can help loosen the paint and make it easier to remove. Fill a bowl or sink with warm water and soak the affected area for several minutes.

Step 2: Scrub the affected area

Use a soft-bristled brush or an old toothbrush to gently scrub the affected area. Be sure to work from the outside of the paint stain towards the center to prevent spreading the paint.

Step 3: Repeat as necessary

If there is still some paint remaining, repeat steps one and two until all the paint is removed.

Step 4: Clean the shoe

Once all the paint is removed, clean the shoe with warm water and soap or dish detergent to remove any residue left by the paint.

How to get acrylic paint off shoes without acetone:

Acrylic paint is a fantastic medium for adding some color and personality to your shoes. However, when accidents happen or you need to change the design, removing acrylic paint can be challenging. Acetone is a common solution for removing acrylic paint from shoes, but it can be harsh and damage the shoe’s material. Luckily, there are alternative methods to remove acrylic paint from shoes without acetone. Here are some effective and safe ways to get acrylic paint off shoes without using acetone:

  1. Soap and Water: One of the easiest ways to remove acrylic paint from shoes is by using soap and water. Start by mixing warm water with a gentle dish soap or laundry detergent. Then, dip a clean cloth or sponge into the soapy water and gently scrub the affected area until the paint begins to lift off. Repeat the process until all the paint is removed, then rinse with clean water and let the shoes dry.
  2. Vinegar: White vinegar is a natural and safe alternative to acetone that can help remove acrylic paint from shoes. Mix equal parts of white vinegar and warm water in a bowl, then dip a clean cloth into the mixture and rub it onto the affected area. Allow the vinegar solution to sit on the paint for a few minutes, then gently scrub the area until the paint starts to come off. Rinse with clean water and let the shoes dry.
  3. Rubbing Alcohol: Rubbing alcohol is another effective and safe alternative to acetone for removing acrylic paint from shoes. Start by dampening a clean cloth with rubbing alcohol, then gently rub it onto the affected area. Allow the alcohol to sit on the paint for a few minutes, then use a clean cloth to gently scrub the area until the paint starts to come off. Rinse with clean water and let the shoes dry.

By using one of these alternative methods, you can safely remove acrylic paint from your shoes without damaging the shoe material or relying on harsh chemicals.


How to remove paint from shoe soles?

To remove paint from a shoe sole, you can use soap and water for water-based paint, rubbing alcohol for loosening the paint, acetone for oil-based paint, and a magic eraser for stubborn stains. Always test a small area first and make sure to let the shoe dry completely before wearing it again.

How to remove dried acrylic paint from shoes?

To remove dried acrylic paint from shoes, you can use rubbing alcohol, vinegar, or nail polish remover. First, try rubbing alcohol by applying it to the paint and scrubbing with a brush or cloth. If that doesn’t work, try vinegar by soaking the shoes in a mixture of vinegar and warm water for a few hours and then scrubbing. Another option is to use nail polish remover by applying it to a cloth and rubbing the paint gently until it comes off. Remember to test a small area first and let the shoes dry completely before wearing them again

Will rubbing alcohol remove paint from shoes?

Rubbing alcohol can be effective in removing paint from shoes, particularly if the paint is still fresh or wet. You can apply rubbing alcohol to the affected area and use a brush or cloth to scrub the paint off.


Removing acrylic paint from your shoes can be a daunting task, but with the right tools and methods, it can be done easily. The methods described above are effective in removing acrylic paint from your shoes. Always remember to protect the midsole of your shoe with tape to avoid damaging it. I hope this article was helpful, and you can now easily remove acrylic paint from your shoes.