How To Make Your Shoes Non Slip For Resturant? 100 Percent No Slip Again

Are you a restaurant owner, employee, or customer who has ever experienced the danger of slipping shoes? If so, you know just how important it is to invest in reliable non-slip footwear.

And if you haven’t had that experience yet then now might be a great time to start preventing this dangerous situation with the right type of shoe! We will show you exactly what makes non-slip shoes and how to recognize them when shopping for an appropriate pair.

You don’t have to live in fear anymore; learn about today’s most practical solutions and make sure your feet stay safe throughout any shift!

if you want to make sure your shoe slip resistant then read it carefully.

How To Make Your Shoes Non Slip For Resturant?

10 Ways You Can Make Shoes Not Slippery:

1:Use Sandpaper:

Gently rub the sole of your shoe with sandpaper or a nail file to rough up the surface. This will create more friction between the shoe and the ground, making it less likely to slide. It’s best to use coarse-grained materials for this task.

2:Apply Non-slip Products

There are a variety of products that can be used on the sole of your shoe to increase friction and make them less slippery. Check out local stores for non-slip sprays, adhesive grip pads, and other items that can be applied to your shoes. Using a small paintbrush, apply the mixture over your shoe’s soles and the bottom of your shoe slip.

3:Buy Non-Slip Shoes

If you’re looking for a long-term solution, invest in shoes specifically designed with non-slip soles. Make sure to check the materials used and look for slip-resistant symbols on the packaging. You must understand the structure of shoes.

How To Make Your Shoes Non Slip For Resturant?

4:Wear Rubber Soled Shoes

Rubber soles are more flexible than other materials, providing better grip on the floor when you walk. They also provide cushioning and some shock absorption to protect your feet from fatigue and injury.

5:Use Traction Spray

Traction sprays are designed to increase the grip of shoes on certain surfaces, like tile and hardwood. Just spray them on the shoe sole before each shift.

6:Use Shoe Grips

Shoe grips are small pieces of rubber that attach to the bottom of the heel or toe area and provide extra traction on slippery surfaces.

7:Add Sand To The Soles

Adding sand to the sole of your shoes can also help increase traction and reduce slippage. You can purchase special sandpaper that contains small particles of sand, or you can simply sprinkle some coarse sand onto the sole.

8:Use A Mixture Of Rubber Glue & Salt

Mixing rubber glue and salt together can create a more effective non-slip solution.of your shoes, then sprinkle sand over them. Let the adhesive dry for a few hours before using the shoes. The downside to using sand is that it can be messy.

The sand will eventually come off the shoes and end up all over the place. Use Salt and Rubber Glue Salt and rubber glue mixture to create a rough surface that increases traction.

This will give your shoes a better grip on a slippery surface. You can also use rubber cement if you don’t have rubber glue. Make the mixture by mixing equal parts of salt and rubber glue in a bowl. Blend the ingredients thoroughly to avoid lumps. Then, clean the outsole of

First, apply the rubber glue to the sole of your shoe.

Then sprinkle some salt on top and use a brush or cloth to spread it evenly over the entire surface. The glue will help the salt stick to the shoe and create more friction on slippery surfaces.

9:Apply Liquid Soap

Applying a thin layer of liquid soap to the bottom of your shoe can provide extra traction on slippery floors.

Just dab some liquid soap on your finger and rub it onto the sole of your shoe.

10:Use Ankle Straps

Ankle straps can be used to reduce slippage and make your shoes more secure.

Simply wrap the strap around your ankle and secure it with a buckle or Velcro. This will keep your shoes in place and provide extra traction on slippery surfaces.

These are just a few of the many ways that you can make shoes less slippery. With just a bit of effort, you can create a safer working environment for yourself and your customers.

Credit:Shoes Burst

we have best ever shoe collection that has much resistant and non-slip-on grass:

How to Make Shoes Non-Slip With Hot Glue? Step By Step

Hot glue is a great way to make shoes non-slip. It is easy to use and provides an effective grip on slippery surfaces.

Follow these simple steps to make your tennis shoes nonslip with hot glue:

  • Begin by cleaning the sole of the slip-resistant shoe thoroughly using a damp cloth. This will help the glue adhere to the surface of the sole.
  • Squeeze a line of hot glue onto the sole, starting at one end and working your way around in a circular motion until you reach the other side. Make sure to leave some space between each loop of glue so it doesn’t form a solid sheet.
  • Allow the glue to cool and harden for a few minutes before testing it out. You want to make sure that it has enough time to adhere to the sole of your shoe.
  • Test the grip of your shoes by walking on a slippery surface such as tile or hardwood floors. If the grip is not enough, add another layer of glue.
  • Repeat the process until you have achieved the desired level of traction and grip on your shoes.

By following these steps, you can easily make shoes non-slip with hot glue. Not only will this help to keep you safe from slipping, but it will also increase the life of your shoes.

Why Do You Need makes shoes nonslip For Restaurants?

Non-slip shoes are essential for restaurant workers as they must be able to move quickly and safely without worrying about slipping on wet floors or other surfaces. Non-slip footwear helps protect the worker from a potential injury that can result from falls, slips, or trips.

It also prevents damage to expensive flooring due to accidental spills. In addition, non-slip shoes prevent the spread of bacteria and other germs that can be easily tracked onto clean surfaces.

This is especially important in restaurants since kitchens and dining areas must always remain sanitary for safety reasons. Investing in proper footwear not only keeps workers safe but also helps maintain a clean and professional work environment.

You can also watch this video about how to make shoes slip-resistant for work:


Are Slip-Resistant Shoes Safe For Winter?

Yes, slip-resistant shoes are safe for winter. These types of shoes feature special soles that provide additional traction on icy and snowy surfaces. This extra grip helps to reduce the risk of slipping or falling in cold weather conditions.

Can you turn regular shoes into non-slip shoes?

Yes, regular shoes can be turned into non-slip shoes by using various methods such as adding adhesive grip pads or applying liquid soap to the soles

Does hairspray make shoes less slippery?

Yes, hairspray may make shoes less slippery on certain surfaces.


Non-slip shoes are essential for restaurant workers to ensure a safe working environment and prevent potential injury. The right type of slip-resistant footwear can provide a secure grip on wet or slippery surfaces, helping to prevent slips and falls.

There are several ways to make shoes non-slip including adding straps, hot glue, and adhesive grip pads. With the right type of shoe and some care, you can make sure your feet stay safe while working in any restaurant environment.

It is always important to remember that providing the right shoe for a given workplace is not only important for safety reasons, but it can also help maintain a clean and professional atmosphere.